Batch -15 BigData

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 10 Students enrolled
Created by Arun Prasad P Last updated Sat, 09-Mar-2024 English
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Curriculum for this course
12 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
B-15 Big Data Introduction
9 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • Big Data-Intro 00:00:00
  • Big Data-Linux Intro
  • Big Data-Linux_AWK
  • Big Data-Linux_SED
  • Big Data-Vi_Cheat_Sheet
  • Big Data-Linux Workables
  • Big Data- Day2 00:00:00
  • Big Data- Day3 00:00:00
  • Big Data- Day4 00:00:00
  • Big data-Linux shell scripting & HDFS Intro 00:00:00
  • Big data-Linux shell scripting & HDFS Cont 00:00:00
  • Big data-Linux shell scripting & HDFS Cont1 00:00:00
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About the instructor
  • 0 Reviews
  • 377 Students
  • 24 Courses
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  • 00:00:00 Hours On demand videos
  • 12 Lessons
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