An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
  • Software Training and Placement Center


  • Overview
  • Pre-requisites and Eligibility
  • Syllabus
  • Audience for this course
  • Batches
  • Mode of Training
  • Key Features


React is a JavaScript-based UI development library. React is a library for building composable user interfaces. Although React is a library rather than a language, it is widely used in web development. The library first appeared in May 2013 and is now one of the most commonly used frontend libraries for web development. It encourages the creation of reusable UI components, which present data that change over time
We work with job seekers to meet them exactly where they are by offering personalized, customized support to meet their needs while assisting them in navigating their next career opportunity. Faced with the current realities of an ever-changing workforce, we believe our placement services must meet individuals exactly where they are. Our customized and personalized Training and Placement programs offers better career

Pre-requisites and Eligibility

There are no pre-requisites for React JS. However, a basic understanding of computer science technicalities and basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Basic OOPS concept but it is not mandatory. Don't worry, we will cover fundamentals in detail in our course


  • Chapter 1
    • Introduction
  • Chapter 2
    • React Concepts
    • Declarative vs. Imperative
    • Component Architecture
    • One way Data Flow
    • UI Library
  • Chapter 3
    • Environment Setup
    • NPM vs YARN
    • Yihua's VSCode font and settings
    • VSCode settings update
    • Create React App - NPX
    • Create React App - React-Scripts 1
    • Create React App - React-Scripts 2
    • Create React App - Everything Else
    • Don't Eject
    • Hooks vs Classes
    • React 18 Strict Mode
    • Class Components
    • Component State
    • setState
    • States and Shallow Merge
    • setState and Secondary Callback
    • Mapping Arrays to Elements
    • map() + key attribute
    • Keys for Mapping
    • Single Page Applications
    • Lifecycle Method : componentDidMount
    • Promises
    • Renders & Re-renders in React
    • Input Search Box Component
    • Searching & Filtering
    • filter(), includes()
    • Storing Original Data
    • Optimizations
    • Understanding Components
    • CardList Component
    • Component Props
    • Rendering and Re-rendering
    • SearchBox Component
    • CSS in React
    • Functional vs Class Components
    • Class Component Lifecycle Methods Breakdown
    • Functional Component Intro
    • Pure & Impure Functions
    • Hooks: useState
    • Functional Component Re-rendering
    • Infinite Re-rendering
    • Hooks: useEffect
    • Remaining Components
    • DOM and Virtual DOM
    • React and ReactDOM
    • ReactDOM v18 Changes
    • DOM Paint Flashing
    • Git + Github
    • Connecting with SSH To Github
  • Chapter 4
    • Project Overview
    • Scaffolding Our Capstone Project
    • Setting Up Our Categories
    • Adding Sass
    • Category Item Component
    • Directory Component
    • Adding Fonts
  • Chapter 5
    • Routing
    • Updating/Upgrading Libraries
    • Setting Up Our Homepage
    • React Router Outlet
    • Navigation Bar Component
    • React Router Link
    • Styling for Navigation + Logo
  • Chapter 6
    • Setting Up Firebase
    • AuthenticationFlow
    • Async Await
    • Authenticating with Firebase
    • Introducing Firestore Data Models
    • Setting Up User Documents
    • Finish Creating User Documents
    • Sign In with Redirect
    • Sign Up Form
    • Sign Up with Email + Password
    • Generalizing Form Input Component
    • Custom Button Component
    • Sign In Form
    • Finishing Authentication Page
  • Chapter 7
    • Need For Context
    • User Context
    • Re-rendering From Context
    • Signing Out
  • Chapter 8
    • Observer: onAuthStateChange
    • Finalizing Auth Listener
    • Observer Pattern
  • Chapter 9
    • New Shop Page
    • Products Context
    • Product Card Component
    • Cart Icon & Dropdown
    • Toggle Cart Open
    • Add To Cart
    • reduce()
    • Cart Item Designs
    • Creating Checkout Page
    • Checkout Item
    • Card Total
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 10
    • Firestore DB No-SQL
    • addCollectionAndDocuments
    • Get Products + Categories From Firestore
    • Hash Tables vs Arrays
    • Using Our Categories Map
    • Category Preview Component
    • Nested Routes in Shop
    • Category Page
  • Chapter 12 - Mock Interview and Mock Interview Answers
  • Chapter 13 - Resume Preparation session and sample resumes

Audience for this course:

IT professionals , Software testers , System administrators , Solution architects , Security engineers , Application developers ,Integration specialists , windows Administrators, Java Developers, Data analysts and database administrators, Database Administrator, System architects, IT managers, IT administrators and operators, IT systems engineers, data engineers and database administrators, data analytics administrators, cloud, web engineers, Project Managers, Software Architects, ETL and Data Warehousing Professionals, Data Engineers, Data Analysts & Business Intelligence Professionals, DBAs and DB professionals, Senior IT Professionals, Testing professionals, Mainframe professionals, Graduates looking to build a career in IT Field.

Mode of Training

  • Classroom Training
  • Online Instructor-Led Live Training
  • Online Self-paced training sessions

Week days batch

  • Class Room Training
  • Online Instructor Led Live Training
  • Online Self-paced training sessions

Week end batch

  • Class Room Training
  • Online Instructor Led Live Training
  • Online Self-paced training sessions

Fast track Batch

  • Class Room Training
  • Online Instructor Led Live Training
  • Online Self-paced training sessions


  • Trendnologies Angular training in Chennai is led by experts with over a decade of experience. Additionally, our Trainers at TRENDNOLOGIES assist and guide you for certification examinations
  • Administrated and mastered by highly skilled industry experts with 20+ years of strong IT experience in leading MNC companies as Architect and Senior Technical consultant
  • 10+ Years of Hands-on expertise in IT industry
  • Our Trainers are certified professionals with 9+ years of experience in their respective domains as well as they are currently working with Top MNCs
  • 10+ years of delivering exceptional service to candidates in Training and placements
  • Completed 100+ classroom and 100+ online batches successfully
  • Our instructors are industry experts and subject specialists who have mastered the art of running applications and giving students with the Best training
  • We have earned various significant awards from renowned IT firms Training in Chennai
  • Trained and Placed over 3000+ professionals in a single year
  • Experience professional and Placement oriented instructional technical trainers
  • Proven ability to plan and execute programs on time
  • Knowledge of "current best practices" and the latest research in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning
  • Our Trainers have worked on a variety of on-going projects in their respective industries
  • Trainers also assist candidates in being placed in their particular companies through the Employee Referral / Internal Hiring procedure

Key features

  • 100% Placement guarantee
  • Career Oriented Training
  • Hands-on with Case Studies
  • Industry Expert Faculties
  • Fast track placement mode

    Managed and mastered by highly skilled Industry Experts
  • Both Classroom Training and Online Training
  • Complete Career Guidance
  • Mock Tests and Interviews
  • Resume Preparation and Interview preparation support
  • Multiple revision classes through training library
  • Placement in Top MNC Company
  • Online Professional Certification assistance
  • Technical Job Support after course completion and Placement
  • Job Assistance | Access to official content aligned to exam
  • Practice Labs & Projects
  • Support 24/7 * 365 days
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Anna Nagar
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