AngularJS is a JavaScript-based framework for building dynamic single-page web applications. It extends HTML capabilities through directives and binds data to HTML using expressions.
MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. AngularJS separates the application into these components: the Model (data), the View (UI), and the Controller (logic). This helps in organizing code efficiently.
Directives are markers on a DOM element (such as attributes, elements, or comments) that tell AngularJS to attach specific behaviors or manipulate the DOM.
AngularJS uses two-way data binding, where any changes in the UI reflect in the model and vice versa.
Services in AngularJS are singleton objects used to organize and share code across the application, often used for handling data fetching, logging, and other functions.
Dependency Injection is a design pattern used in AngularJS to inject dependencies (like services, factories, or values) into components (like controllers or directives) instead of hard-coding them.
$scope is an object that represents the application model. It acts as a bridge between the controller and the view.
ng-if removes the element from the DOM if the condition is false, while ng-show/ng-hide simply hides the element but keeps it in the DOM.
Routing allows for navigation between different views or pages in a single-page application. It is implemented using the ngRoute module.
A promise represents a future value or error. It’s used to handle asynchronous operations like API calls in AngularJS.
Filters are used to format the value of expressions for display to the user. Examples include currency, date, limitTo, etc.
$http is an AngularJS service used to make HTTP requests (like GET, POST) to communicate with backend servers.
ng-repeat is used to iterate over a collection (array or object) and generate a list of elements in the DOM.
The $digest cycle is a process where AngularJS checks for changes in the scope model and updates the DOM accordingly.
AngularJS provides built-in validators like required, minlength, and custom validators to handle form validation.
$watch is a function in AngularJS that watches for changes in scope properties and executes a callback function when a change is detected.
$apply is used to execute an expression and trigger the $digest cycle manually, ensuring that the view is updated.
Modules in AngularJS are containers for the different parts of an application, such as controllers, services, directives, etc.
$routeProvider configures the routes (or views) in AngularJS applications.
ng-model binds the value of HTML elements (like inputs, textareas) to application data and ensures two-way data binding.